
Em Desenvolvimento  / In Development

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Shoot: W or Space

Promise to 0.5v: Player laser, Explose Particle Player, Wall Moviment on Spawn, Laser Item.

Last Version: 

0.49 : new Logic Wall Spawn so much better now :3, Explode Particle Enimies, new Shild Item, new Wall Item, new Triple Shoot item. 

0.486 : Item VFX, Shot Particle Player and Enemies, VFX Particles, Wall Add Logic press "P" to test (future item), Re-size Cam.

0.48 : Itens Spawning, Global Events Itens Logic, Player Triple Cannon, MotherShip Middle PieceAtk Speedy ++ when Survived alone. 

0.442 : Player Explode, Randon Walls Number, Cam Shake on Player take DMG, Improvement VFX MotherShip, remake Script Player so much better now.

0.4225 : hotFix in Win Condition.

0.4225 : MotherShip VFX and Spawn Logic.

0.42 : Modular MotherShip, new Logic Mother Ship, new Explosion MotherShip Logic Optimized, new VFX Wall, new Logic Wall's.

0.PIv : MotherShip, Walls, New Explosion Logic, Difficulty  Refined, Shoot Colider Refined.

.0.29979245v : Refine Shild VFX, New Color Monsters, Shoot Particle System, Lerp Movimen Ship. 


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